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Angelo and Kitika (Kit):

Perhaps two of the biggest miracles are Angelo and Kit.  They are the two very tan children that continuously invade the camera lens.

It cannot be disputed that Kim and Colin saved their lives, very literally and now call them both "Son".  Angelo's adoption was completed a couple of years ago.   He has been to the U.S. and has a special relationship with his cousins, my children, nieces and nephews.  Angelo is eleven or twelve years old, but for the purposes of a permanent birthday he is officially eleven on paper.

I think that he looks like a young Muhammad Ali.

Angelo is impressive as he switches between Malagasy, French and the English language with ease.  There is no question that he has a very high I.Q. and has the opportunity to do great things in life. 

I can't help but think that I might be related to the future President of Madagascar.


Until now Kitika has only been an image of an emaciated being, devoid of all life, that made one glance, grimace and turn away.  It has been about eighteen months since the first skeletal pictures graced my inbox.  Kit is six and half years old with the body of a toddler, but growing quickly.  He apparently didn't speak for many months when he first came to live with the Radford's and now you can't shut him up.

His English is a little spotty, but if you ask him who his favorite uncle is you will hear my name within his tongue-rolled response. 

Kit's size is nowhere near proportionate to his attitude!  He WILL be the center of attention, else he will be an overwhelming distraction.  I look forward to seeing him when he visits the States.  I have no doubt that every airline passenger will know who he is by the end of the journey.  I think he will fit nicely in the overhead storage bin.

For those of you that remember the old TV show Paradise Island... you may appreciate the pictures below.  Think of a much darker Tattoo pointing at the sky telling Mr. Rourke ..."Le Plane... Le Plane".